{ Monthly Archives }
July 2008
First, we made a cross with two posts. We put the shirt on the cross post first, then tied the two pieces together. (That’s Tim wearing the scarecrow’s hat, which is really actually a wicker plant pot holder thing, on the other side of the straw bale.)
We stuffed the arms with straw.
We made the head out of a pillowcase stuffed with straw and tied it around the neck. Then we stuffed the body with straw.
We added his overalls and stuffed his legs, drew his face and attached his hat.
Then we lay down on top of him and gave him a good talking to about his duties. Well, one of us did.
And ta-da!! We have a scarecrow!
He’s been on duty for a couple of weeks now, and I think he works. He works for me, at least. Every time I catch a glimpse of him from the far end of the garden, I have to look twice because I think “Hey, who’s that in my yard?”
Beans and Peas
This is Timothy inside the bean teepee I constructed from branches of an alder tree we cut down. The beans are really starting to come up now, finally, after a few very hot days. In a month or two, this whole thing should be covered in growth and provide quite the kids’ hideout.
The peas are already taller than him, he looks like he’s lost in the jungle when he tries to walk between them and the pototoes.
They’re just about ready to start harvesting, the snap variety at least. The shelling ones need to get a little bigger.